A journey of taste steeped in culture and culinary traditions
It was way back in 1894; Shri Laljee Godhoo set up the Laljee Godhoo & Co., and began a journey that would span generations and geographies. Like all great journeys, it was a humble beginning and the company dealt exclusively in ‘Lumps’ of Hing (Asafoetida) that was prepared manually by hundreds of workers. At the time, no sophisticated machinery was used. Goods were prepared by churning products by hand.
Sale of ‘Laljee Godhoo & Co.’ Asafoetida initially started in Mumbai, after which it spread to South India which is our primary market today. This was accomplished by Shri Khimji Laljee, with the aid of a Gujarati family settled in Chennai.
The first branch. Rooted in quality.
Laljee Godhoo & Co. opened its doors to the Southern Markets by establishing its First branch in Nagapattnam (currently non-operational), followed by Kumbakonam and then Chennai. As the quality, aroma and distinctive pungency of LG Hing won more hearts, demand from the South of India kept increasing.To meet the increasing demands in South India, Shri Umakant Vahalia and Shri Kumud Chandra Harikrishna Bhatt came forward to lend assistance.
Evolving with the times. Continuing with the tradition.
1976-1978 – evolving from lumps to powdered form to meet the needs of homemakers.
With the evolution of a busier lifestyle where women had no time to dry and grind the lumps to get the perfect powdered texture, we wished to provide our customers with just the right product which would provide the same taste without all the effort and time. Steps to accomplish this were taken by Shri Ajit Khimji Merchant with the introduction of Compounded Asafoetida in Powder Form in 1978 and with this, we also introduced the 50gm bottle of Compounded Asafoetida which is seen in almost every household today.